Tuberculosis lungs vs healthy lungs.

Tuberculosis lungs vs healthy lungs.

What do you mean by lungs?

Lungs are the important organ which allow us to breathe in the oxygen.
Working:- It takes oxygen from nose and passes to lungs and then it release carbon dioxide through it.
We can't live without it.

Tuberculosis lungs
Pulmonary TB ought to be all the more firmly thought among patients who have been recently treated for TB sickness as both backslide and new disease are more continuous. The particular frequency of repeat relies upon neighborhood infection commonness and the adequacy of nearby TB treatment programs

What are the 3 stages of Tuberculosis?

Three stages of Tuberculosis are:-
1. Active Tb
2. Latent Tb
3. Exposure Tb

Difference between active, latent, exposure Tb?

Latent Tb
This is more likely to happen if a person is in close contact with one or more infected people with active TB who are coughing or sneezing.

In many individuals, any inhaled bacteria are dispensed with quickly by the resistant framework. In others, the TB bacteria are encircled by macrophages, a kind of white platelet, and enter a lethargic state. This is called latent infection , and this stage can keep going for quite a long time or in any event, forever.

Active Tb
Tuberculosis, or TB, is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria can attack any part of the body, but usually attack the lungs.

Exposure Tb
This happens when a person has been in contact with, or exposed to, another person who has TB. The exposed person will have a negative skin test, a normal chest X-ray, and no signs or symptoms of the disease.

8 sign of Tuberculosis lungs 🫁

1.Coughing up blood
2.Regular pain in your chest.
3.Fatigue or weakness.
4.Loss of appetite.
5.Weight loss.
8.Night sweats.

When a lot of blood coming from your cough then you should immediately consult with your doctor/ contact ambulance.
One of the earliest symptoms of lung cancer can be coughing up blood or bloodstained sputum. This may even be the first symptom before any other symptoms develop. Most lung cancers develop in people over the age of 50, most commonly in smokers.

Who is at risk for Tuberculosis?

Persons who are at high risk for TB infection include people who: have been in close contact with a person with tuberculosis disease; immigrated from or spent a considerable amount of time in a country where there are high rates of TB; are homeless; injects drug; are living with HIV infection; live in congregate settings; and/or have a medical condition that weakens the immune system.  
Residing where TB is normal: You are bound to be presented to TB microorganisms in the event that you live in a space where TB is normal.
Immune system pressures: unfortunate sustenance, neediness, unfortunate lodging and substance abuse can all weaken the immune system.pressures: poor nutrition, poverty, poor housing and substance misuse can all weaken the immune system.

What age group is most affected by tuberculosis?

The staggering 60 per cent of the tuberculosis cases in India are in the 15-45 age group, which is the most common.
India keeps on bearing the biggest portion of worldwide TB cases.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO) gauges, around 4.1 million individuals overall are as of now experiencing tuberculosis.

Treatment for tuberculosis:-

Pneumonic tuberculosis, noticeable in a X-beam (left), is most ordinarily treated utilizing various anti-infection agents (right). Drug treatment regularly endures a while, to forestall repeating diseases and the improvement of medication safe tuberculosis

If you have latent TB, you may be offered a shorter course of treatment with fewer tablets. This aims to reduce your risk of developing active TB in the future. 

TB can be relieved totally yet provided that you take your tablets routinely and continue to take them for the entire course.

Tips for healthy lungs.

1.Improve indoor air quality

While you can invest more energy outside, you actually need to invest time in your home. Keep a perfect home and wash materials, vacuum, dust, and supplant air channels in your home consistently.

2.Don't Smoke
Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Cigarette smoke can narrow the air passages and make breathing more difficult. It causes chronic inflammation, or swelling in the lung, which can lead to chronic bronchitis.

3.Counting your Breath

Another way to increase lung capacity is by increasing the length of inhalations and exhalations. First, count how long a natural breath takes. If it takes to the count of five to inhale, then it should take five counts to exhale. Once the average count of the breath is understood, add an extra inhalation and exhalation until you one can comfortably 

4.Eat the Right Foods For Lung Health

Some foods contain nutrients that help to  protect your lungs . Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about foods you can add to your diet that is benefits for lung health. Apples, blueberries, peppers, pumpkin, yogurt, lentils, and beets are all beneficial for lung health, along with green tea, coffee, olive oil, and turmeric.

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Hey guys, My self Saurav Gupta. I belong patna bihar. I passed out class12th (science) Bseb. My 10th was from CBSE. Now I am working on my website ��. Thank you ❤️

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